Friday, September 18, 2015

The worst things you can do when you have sensitive teeth

By Nadia Stennett

Because sensitive chompers need a little bit of TLC…

When the pain and discomfort of tooth sensitivity hits, it’s hard to ignore. Sensitive teeth have the ability to ruin an otherwise enjoyable meal or night out with friends. And if you’re not informed, you could be unknowingly making yourself even more susceptible to a world of dental agony. 

Thankfully, with a little care, it is possible to get on with your life, without aching teeth getting in the way.  

Here are four things you should give a miss to improve your tooth sensitivity, starting today.

1. Hot or cold food

“Sensitive teeth are usually thermally reactive, so eating very hot or cold things like hot soups and ice-blocks will set them off,” explains dentist, Dr Alexander McEwen. 

However, if you’re not keen to bid farewell to ice cream and hot chocolate just yet, you can try using a specialised sensitive teeth toothpaste to help protect your enamel and decrease your sensitivity. A recent study in the Journal of Dental Sciences found regular brushing with toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth is highly effective for preventing the pain of thermal reaction in most people.

2. Anything sugary

If you’re one of the many people suffering from tooth sensitivity due to cavities and tooth erosion, the last thing you want to do is eat anything laden with sugar. Not only does sugar have the potential to cause more cavities and get stuck inside existing ones, leading to irritation, it’s also the perfect food for bacteria, who will have a field day on it and attack your already tender teeth in the process.

“It’s very common for sensitive teeth to react to sweet foods, especially if tooth decay is present. I recommend choosing lower sugar foods like fruits and vegetables instead,” says McEwen.

3. Acidic drinks

“Acidic drinks like fruit juice, diet soft drink and wine can dissolve the tooth structure and expose more dentine, leaving you susceptible to increasing pain,” explains McEwen.

But it’s not all bad news. You can still enjoy the occasional acidic drink by using a straw, which will allow the liquid to bypass your teeth, and your enamel to remain untouched in the process.  

4. Tooth Grinding

Otherwise known as bruxism, tooth grinding typically happens at night when you’re asleep, or when you’re least aware you’re doing it, and it’s estimated up to70 per cent of all cases of it are a result of stress, which can play havoc with your entire body.

“Tooth wear caused from regular teeth grinding can lead to more dentine exposure and overload teeth, making them even more sensitive, so it’s essential to get on top of it,” advises McEwen.

Try reducing your stress load by allowing yourself some time out each day. And if your teeth grinding still doesn’t ease up you can ask your dentist about a bed-time mouth guard to help.