Friday, January 27, 2017

Can Bulimia Cause Dental Issues?

Millions of Americans suffer from an eating disorder and devastatingly enough, many go untreated. For both males and females, eating disorders often begin in young adulthood and if not properly treated, may transcend throughout life. With constant social, peer, and societal pressures, eating disorders are often caused by a negative body-image and feelings of shame about weight. The constant need to diet and count calories causes an array of mental and physical effects on individuals, especially for those diagnosed with bulimia. The mental and physical effects of bulimia can take a tremendous toll on the body and can cause permanent oral damage.
All eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorders cause a multitude of health problems for individuals. However, bulimia nervosa, due to the nature of purging, erodes the digestive tract and causes multiple dental problems. Being aware of the potential dental problems and recognizing the signs and symptoms of bulimia nervosa are essential in taking the first step in seeking treatment to overcome the disorder.

What is bulimia?

Bulimia nervosa is often diagnosed for individuals who experience episodes of eating and then purge, or vomit, the food afterwards. Individuals may also use laxatives or may excessively exercise in a very unhealthy manner. Trying to reverse the caloric intake may be caused by feelings of guilt for eating too much food or a large amount of unhealthy food. In most cases, individuals are typically worried about their weight and self-image and may ultimately struggle with losing weight.[1] The struggle with losing weight and meeting societal and peer expectations can become an overwhelming burden and can lead to destructive behaviors.
Unlike individuals diagnosed with anorexia, those diagnosed with bulimia nervosa typically have a normal weight or are slightly overweight.[2] Feelings of shame and guilt about food begin to overpower individuals and consequently, they ultimately engage in impulsive and destructive eating behaviors, such as purging. These destructive eating behaviors may permanently harm the oral health of individuals and if not properly treated, can make it difficult to reverse the physical effects of bulimia.

How bulimia causes dental issues

The repetitive cycles of purging cause detrimental effects on a person’s throat and mouth. When individuals vomit, the vomit contains stomach acid that can erode the throat and tooth enamel over time.
The following are signs and symptoms of the effects bulimia can have on oral health:[3]
  • Dental Erosion (tooth and tissue wear away)
  • Cavities
  • Dental pain
  • Increased levels of cancer-causing bacteria
  • Dry mouth
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Orthodontic abnormalities (finger pressure during vomiting can lead to tooth movement)
  • Mouth sores
  • Yellow/broken teeth
  • Gum infections
  • Bleeding gums
  • Decreased saliva secretion
  • Decrease salivary pH
  • Enlargement of parotid glands
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
All of these warning signs of bulimia are evident to dentists and they will encourage patients to seek professional help from a team of medical experts and eating disorder recovery specialists. In order to fully recover from dental issues and the psychological effects of bulimia, individuals must seek immediate treatment to overcome their disorder and live a healthy life again.

Seeking Treatment

Dentists play a paramount role in the early detection of patients with bulimia. Dentists are highly knowledgeable in recognizing the signs of bulimia because they notice the unnatural teeth erosion and tissue damage in the mouth.[4] With the help of dentists, the early detection of bulimia may reduce the severity of dental issues and can encourage individuals to seek treatment to overcome their disorder.

Whether you or someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, be proactive and seek treatment. The dental issues that are caused by bulimia nervosa can ultimately be prevented if individuals recognize that they need help to overcome their disorder. Seeking a team of medical professionals and eating disorder recovery specialists will not only improve the physical health of individuals who are suffering, but will also provide patients with the skills needed to cultivate self-compassion and live a healthy life.