Thursday, September 28, 2017

Worst Halloween Candy

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Good Morning, Dr. DeBerardinisSeptember 25, 2017
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Editor's Note
The ADA Morning Huddle compiles news stories from a wide range of sources to let you know what the general media is saying about dentistry, whether or not it agrees with the ADA’s views. Publication of an article in the Morning Huddle in no way implies ADA’s endorsement, agreement, or promotion of a particular article.

Dentistry in the News


Reader’s Digest Identifies “Worst Halloween Candy” For Dental Health.

Reader’s Digest (9/23, Zinderman) states that chewy, sour, and hard candies are among the “worst Halloween candy” for teeth. In general, candy is harmful to teeth because as oral bacteria eat sugar, acid is created as a byproduct, says Dr. Matthew Messina, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association. The acid can then dissolve tooth enamel. Chewy candies are “among the worst offenders” since they stick to teeth, and Dr. Messina notes that sour candies contain both sugar and acid. Reader’s Digest also includes hard candies on the list since they generally linger in the mouth longer. On the other hand, the article states that “chocolate tops the list of best bets,” noting Dr. Messina explains chocolate washes off teeth more easily than other candy options.
        Visit MouthHealthy’s Kids’ Halloween Headquarters for additional information, including tips for a healthy Halloween and a Halloween Candy Survival Guide.
Advance Registration Deadline Extended
There’s one more week to save big at ADA 2017 in Atlanta. The advance registration deadline has been extended to this Friday. Register by September 29 at 5 p.m. CDT to capitalize on the low prices and add preferred CE courses to your schedule before it’s too late.
September 29 also marks the housing deadline. Any reservation changes must be submitted by Friday to avoid additional fees. A limited number of hotels may have availability beyond this date with the ADA 2017 discounted rate.
Register today.
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Dental Benefits

The Motley Fool Debunks Three Retirement Myths.

In a consumer-focused article, the Motley Fool (9/22, Bieber) discusses three retirement myths, stating “far too many people believe retirement myths – which can leave them far short of having enough money saved.” One myth, the article states, is that “Medicare will take care of all your healthcare needs.” The article explains that “there are significant limitations on what Medicare will cover,” noting the program does not cover dental, among other items. According to the article, two additional retirement myths are that “Social Security is enough to live on,” and “you won’t spend as much once you’re retired.”

Health and Safety


New York Community To Hold Public Hearing On Fluoridation.

Reporting village trustees are considering whether to continue community water fluoridation, the Watertown (NY) Daily Times (9/24, Kenmore) reports that local dentists are expressing support for the practice. The article reports Dr. Lee H. Akin in Potsdam questioned why trustees would end a practice recommended by the American Dental Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and others. A public hearing on the matter is set for 6:30 pm on Oct. 2.
        Meanwhile, in a consumer-focused article, Real Simple (9/22, Beck, Ginty) included “avoiding fluoridated water” and “turning down dental sealants” among decisions that could harm health. The article explained that drinking fluoridated water and having dental sealants can help prevent dental caries.
        Additional information about fluoride and community water fluoridation is available at and the ADA Catalog also features the Fluoride Nature’s Cavity Fighter brochure. There are additional resources for patients on including A Mom’s Guide to Fluoride. provides additional information on sealants for patients. The ADA Catalog offers three illustrated handouts to help explain sealant benefits to patients: the brochure “Dental Sealants: Protecting Teeth, Preventing Decay,” (W291); the mini-brochure “Seal Out Decay” (W191); and the “Sealants Quick Reference,” a two-sided card (W276).

Teeth Cleaning Videos Going Viral.

Allure (9/22, Herman) noted Refinery 29 recently shared several videos showing plaque being removed from teeth. The article stated that the videos, which are going viral, “depict people at dentists’ offices getting hardcore cleanings to address severe plaque buildup.” A dentist said that although the videos show “extreme” cases, it’s important to maintain proper oral hygiene habits.
        Also reporting on the dental cleaning videos, SELF Magazine (9/22, Miller) emphasized the importance of visiting the dentist regularly, linking to the American Dental Association’s statement on regular dental visits. provides additional information on plaque.

Dental Industry


Robot Completes Dental Implant Surgery In China.

TIME (9/22, Lui) reported that a robot in China recently “installed two dental implants for a what could be the world’s first fully automated dental implant surgery.”
        Business Insider (9/21) carried a South China Morning Post article reporting “the one-hour procedure took place in Xi’an, Shaanxi.” The article added that “the Fourth Military Medical University’s Affiliated Stomatology Hospital, based in Xi’an, and the robot institute at Beihang University in BeijingMorning Post” developed the technology over the past four years.
        The Daily Mail (9/22) shared a video showing part of the procedure.

Article Discusses How Graham-Cassidy Bill Could Affect Dentists.

Dr Bicuspid (9/22, Pablos) reported that the Graham-Cassidy bill is the latest effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, stating the measure “addresses healthcare regulation mainly by putting states in charge of their own requirements and implementation.” The article noted the ADA and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry said some of the provisions in proposed legislation would be “detrimental to Medicaid programs and the vulnerable Americans who rely on them for health care and coverage.” The article discussed provisions that could affect dentists and patients.
        Follow all of the ADA’s advocacy efforts in health reform at

ADA in the News

Dr. Robin Reich Installed As Georgia Dental Association President.

A release on PRNewswire (9/21) announces Dr. Robin Reich has been installed as president of the Georgia Dental Association (GDA). The release notes that Dr. Reich has been a member of the GDA since 1985, holding “multiple officer positions at the district, state and national levels.” She recently served as public relations chair, leading the GDA in the launch of a public relations campaign, titled “Because I Saw My Dentist,” to “educate consumers about the importance of good oral health and to motivate them to see their dentist regularly.” The campaign shares the stories of Georgians who describe how their lives changed after finding a dental home and visiting a dentist. Dr. Reich also serves as chair-elect of the ADA’s Council on Communications.
        Meanwhile, the Georgia Dental Association (8/16) website shares the stories of new Georgia patients in GDA’s public relations campaign.

Charitable Dentistry

Hundreds Receive Care During New Mexico Mission Of Mercy.

The Albuquerque (NM) Journal (9/21, Uyttebrouck) reported that the New Mexico Mission of Mercy would take place over the weekend in Albuquerque, with “at least 150 dentists” among the volunteers set “to donate their time and services at the clinic.” The clinic was expected to attract about 1,500 patients. Linda Paul, executive director of the New Mexico Dental Association Foundation, which organizes the event, said, “We try to solve at least one problem that they are coming to us with.”
        KOAT-TV Albuquerque, NM (9/22, Lenninger) reported on the event in a broadcast, noting the free care being offered was “thanks to the New Mexico Dental [Association] Foundation.” The broadcast featured several of the patients who received care.
        KRQE-TV Albuquerque, NM (9/22) reported that Jack Delorme, who received care at the clinic, said, “It makes my heart feel good that people are coming together to help one another, everyone’s cooperating. It’s beautiful.”
        Additional information on the New Mexico Mission of Mercy is available online.

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